HomeBody Contouring ProceduresLiposuction


Many individuals struggle with stubborn fat that they can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how diligently they adhere to a healthy lifestyle. To achieve a more contoured figure, liposuction is commonly pursued and utilized to reduce excess fat that has collected in localized areas of the body.

At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Gene Sloan, MD and his professional team believe patients should feel confident in their skin. A variety of advanced plastic surgery options are capable of helping individuals effectively address concerns they have about their appearance.

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What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a popular plastic surgery procedure designed to contour a patient’s body by removing excess fatty tissue from certain body areas. The surgery is sometimes performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck to help patients achieve the best possible results. Common treatment areas targeted with liposuction include:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips and love handles
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Lower and mid back
  • Upper arms

What Does the Liposuction Procedure Entail?

Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia, with anesthesia delivered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. Small incisions are made to accommodate the liposuction cannula, which will be moved back and forth to break up fat and suction it out. Once the decided upon amount of fat has been removed, the incisions are closed and the area is dressed with a compression bandage.

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What Can I Expect After Liposuction?

Following liposuction, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and soreness around the treated area(s). Those side effects should subside gradually as the areas heal. Many patients return to their normal routines within a week or two; the precise length of recovery will depend on the amount of fat that is extracted, the number of areas being treated, and other factors associated with the customized treatment plan. Patients will be advised to wear compression garments for several weeks to help promote a safe healing process. It is recommended that patients avoid rigorous activities and workouts for at least four to six weeks after the procedure.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

The cost of liposuction varies depending on a patient’s individualized treatment plan. Anesthesia and surgeon’s fees, facility fees, and other factors contribute to the overall cost, as well as prescribed medication and whether post-operative garments are needed.

Is There a Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction?

Patients who are not ready to undergo a surgical procedure, as well as those who may not need surgery to accomplish their goals, may benefit from non-surgical treatment. CoolSculpting® offered at our MedSpa is a popular non-invasive treatment that “freezes” excess fat cells and breaks them down. The fat cells should then be gradually filtered out of the body through natural processes. The FDA-approved treatment can reduce fat in multiple areas of the body by delivering extremely cold temperatures to the fat cells beneath the skin.

For more information about liposuction or CoolSculpting®, please contact our office today.