HomeBreast ProceduresBreast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal

Breast augmentation is one of the more commonly pursued cosmetic surgeries. The procedure involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size and/or enhance the shape of the breasts. While many individuals are thoroughly satisfied with their long-lasting breast augmentation results, there may come a time when a patient needs or prefers to remove their breast implants. This section will focus on breast implant removal without replacement. For more information on breast implant replacement, please refer to the page on breast implant revision surgery.

At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Gene Sloan, MD believes patients should feel completely comfortable in their own skin. Dr. Sloan is extensively skilled and experienced with performing a variety of breast surgery procedures, and he can create a customized treatment plan designed to remove breast implants placed during a previous augmentation surgery. He strives to create a safe and comfortable environment where patients know that their needs and goals will be heard.

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What Is Breast Implant Removal?

Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure designed to carefully remove a patient’s existing breast implants. This treatment, also referred to as “explantation,” may be considered for a variety of reasons. The breast implant removal process may also include simultaneous replacement with new breast implants, or it may be combined with a breast lift, if the patient chooses to add those options to their customized treatment plan. Dr. Sloan will be happy to explain all options during the initial consultation and answer any questions about breast implant removal.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Candidates for breast implant removal surgery should be in relatively good overall health with realistic expectations for procedure results. There are several aesthetic and medical factors that may contribute to a patient’s need for breast implant removal, including:

  • The breast implants are simply no longer desired
  • The wish to exchange implants for a different size, shape, or type
  • The presence of implant-related complications, such as an implant rupture or capsular contracture
  • Pregnancy or weight gain that led to enlarged natural breast tissue
  • Concerns about possible breast implant illness or BIA-ALCL (Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma)

What Does Breast Implant Removal Surgery Involve?

All breast implant removals are performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The precise technique will vary slightly based on factors such as whether the implants are silicone or saline, smooth or textured, the presence of thickened or calcified capsules, and whether the implants are ruptured or intact.

The quickest and easiest procedure is removal of smooth surface saline or intact silicone gel implants. A small incision is made underneath the breast, the implant is removed, the pocket is irrigated with antiseptic solutions, and then the incision is closed. Since there is very little trauma to the breast tissue, recovery is often quick with most patients feeling good and returning to normal activities the very next day.

The most complicated procedure is implant removal with capsulectomy, or mastopexy using GalaFlex mesh to help support the lift. This is a 3 to 3.5 hour procedure and requires drains, with patients typically back to work in two weeks while avoiding certain strenuous activities for four weeks.

There are multiple options between these extremes.

Do I Need a Capsulectomy?

There are certain situations in which a partial or complete capsulectomy should be performed. Capsulectomy is clearly indicated in cases of implant removal and a calcified capsule, textured implant, or significant capsular contracture. Capsulectomy almost always requires insertion of a drain for 5 to 7 days postoperatively.

The decision to perform capsulectomy should not be taken lightly. A simple implant removal becomes a 2.5 hour, far more complicated procedure with significant risk. Some women who have or believe they have breast implant illness have become convinced that they require capsulectomy from their research on the Internet; however controlled studies in the plastic surgery literature clearly indicate that capsulectomy does not alleviate breast implant illness symptoms more than implant removal alone.

Do I Need a Breast Lift?

As in primary mastopexy, the decision as to whether the patient needs a breast lift after breast implant removal varies. Some patients clearly do need a lift, some patients clearly do not need a lift, and some patients are borderline. There is some skin contraction after the weight of the implant is removed. Particularly in younger patients, the skin can contract quite a bit. The quality and age of the skin determines how much it will contract. If it is obvious that a patient is going to need a breast lift, it is done at the same time as the implant removal. Many patients are not ready to commit to an extra procedure and prefer to take a wait-and-see approach. While some of these patients will eventually get a lift, most actually will not. The decision varies from patient to patient and is a personal one.

What Can I Expect After Breast Implant Removal?

Recovery time following breast implant removal can differ from patient to patient, but the main difference is the extent of the procedure required for the desired result. Swelling and bruising typically subside after a few days, and medication can help manage pain or discomfort. Additionally, a post-operative bra can provide support during the healing process.

Once breast implants are removed, the skin that previously had to stretch over the implants may exhibit a degree of sagginess. This can be addressed with a breast lift to create a firmer and more youthful appearance. Additional factors that can affect how skin appears following implant removal include age, skin elasticity, the size of the removed implants, how long a patient had the implants, and the amount of natural breast tissue a patient has. Dr. Sloan can talk more with you about whether a breast lift following breast implant removal is worthy of consideration.

Some patients will want some added volume after removing the implants and fat grafting is a possible option; however, fat can never accomplish the same shape or volume provided by breast implants. Unfortunately, some patients have so little body fat that they do not have the sufficient donor sites to obtain any meaningful enhancement.

How Much Does Breast Implant Removal Cost?

The cost of breast implant removal will ultimately be determined by a patient’s individualized treatment plan. Factors that often contribute to the procedure’s cost include:

  • Whether the treatment is being combined with a breast lift
  • Whether the implants are being replaced
  • Anesthesia and surgeon’s fees
  • Prescribed medication
  • Post-operative garments

Patients will be provided with a personalized cost after the treatment plan has been developed. At Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we have partnered with reputable third-party financing companies to provide qualified applicants who are interested in financing their procedure with convenient payment options that can make treatments more accessible and budget-friendly.

To learn more about breast implant removal, contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sloan.

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